
What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Discover how guys like you are Dominating their fitness and careers whilst improving their performance in a way that suits them.

Learning a system that you can repeat forever allows you to build muscle and improve productivity and performance.

Mate, I know the feeling

You feel like you are on a constant diet and beat yourself up when things don't move..

You have walked into the gym and wondered, am I even doing this right before leaving halfway through?

Sitting on social media till late, waking up early and grabbing coffee to get you through the day's

Energy levels like a Sloth. Have you ever seen a sloth cross the road? If not, it's very slow..

It doesn't need to be like this...

What if you could…

- Wake up every morning feeling like you have the clarity to have that productive day?

- Never have to worry about getting your photo taken again when on holiday with the Mrs or mates?

- Stop spending a stupid amount of hours in the gym each week with zero results?

- Reclaim your self-confidence and do something that is for YOU?

Achieve your dream physique, gain confidence and do it how you want so you can never need to worry about getting back to the best version of yourself.

The Man on a Mission programme Helping guys take ownership of their life, so they can thrive.

Join the Man on a Mission programme today and get access to:

👉🏼 The Nutrition protocols that allow you to lose and gain weight whilst being social and not  “giving something up”?It incorporates everything from meals out to takeaways to alcohol to give you the perfect balance.

👉🏼 Train like a pro  – see that feeling of walking in a gym and feeling like a dick, wondering if you're using that machine correctly.. Say goodbye to that because you will learn how to train correctly.

👉🏼 Individual mindset Calls – Every week, we will speak for 20 minutes about what you have done and how we can improve, a chance for you to learn as much as possible.

👉🏼 Weekly  Accountability check - Yes I will be looking over your nutrition and training and setting you goals.. Why? Because you need it, but as time goes over, you will start to become self-accountable

👉🏼 Structured Training to teach you how to train for your correct level of fitness.

👉🏼 ROUTINE READY  to get you up in the morning and ready to dominate your day; no more feeling lethargic, we are ready to cause it.

👉🏼 Habit stacking Review  – How to adopt new habits that are going to serve you and get rid of bad ones that don’t serve you

Sign up today, and I will include the following;


Additional 1-1 Mindset call in the first week to make sure we align with what you want to give you the motivation to smash your goals.


5 Calorie counted high protein recipe books to help you with your nutrition.



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The Man on a mission programme is for Men who:

  • Know they can push to a new level but need some direction.
  • It's the guy who has lost weight before, gained it all back on but finally wants to learn how to keep it off forever.
  • For the guy who wants to build a muscular physique but thinks his genetics hold him back.
  • Who wants to become the best version of himself, the version that is fearless and ready to take on the world.
  • Who wants to get to take the proper steps to look after his health so they aren't left f*cked when they are older?

The Man on a mission programme is not for:

  • Men who are happy with average results and not making progress
  • Men who want a quick fix and want to repeat the same destructive cycle
  • Men who are happy where they are currently don't want more from life.
  • Who don't want to see this as something other than an investment in their health and long-term future?


Will I gain a result from this?
What if I’ve never done anything like this before?
Do I get 1-1 contact?
I’m already training at the gym and doing okay; how would this help me?
Do I need to have solid nutritional and training knowledge?
Find out more