
What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Ladies, Discover how to finally be successful at fat loss for life, regain control of your lifestyle and eating habits, whilst eating meals you enjoy- with or without the gym

Do you wish you could just look at yourself in the mirror and be happy with what you see instead of putting yourself down?

Do you want to stop self sabotaging and having ‘ fuck it ‘ moments when you get stressed & tired, putting you back to square one?

Do you feel like you can't get past a certain weight on the scales, you keep getting stuck?

Do you wish you were motivated like you used to be & stop making excuses - Even when life gets busy?

You feel like everyones got their shit together and you are struggling in the background,

You feel like everyone can eat what they want and not put weight on and you keep yo-yoing.

I get it.

I used to be exactly where you were.

I used to get stressed out by everything, then go ‘treat myself’ because I deserved it.

I used to stay up late, neglect my sleep then wonder why I was alway tired, and snacking all the time

I used to fall off track at weekends because I wanted to ‘live my life’’ after a stressful week.

None of my clothes fit me properly, I didn't like my photo taken, my hangups affected everyone else around me..

It doesn't have to be like this anymore - Things can change. TODAY

Take Back Control of your lifestyle, drop up to 18lbs of unwanted body fat and finally learn how to keep it off.

Introduction to My fat loss and lifestyle transformation programme: Take Back Control

Join Take Back Control today and you’ll get:

60 different  high protein recipes suitable for the family/ date night/ or for one so that you never get bored or struggle knowing what to eat .. You have high energy, great mood,  transform your body & ditch the mindless snacking.

High accountability - so that you do what you need to do each week, stay on track the entire 6 weeks

Weekly live mindset coaching so that you regain complete control of your lifestyle. And transform your mindset Each week you'll be inspired, and armed with strategies for everything that life throws at you - and stay motivated for the weekend ahead!

Topics covered are: Comfort eating, binge eating, self sabotage, lack of motivation, guilt for me time,  stress level management , morning & evening routine, eating habits  and.  

My exclusive Take Back Control Success Habit and progress tracker - so you never feel overwhelmed and you can tick off your daily success habits

Weekly personal step target - so that you don't feel like you're failing when you don't hit those 10k days due to having a desk job. It works for you.

Highly motivational and inspiration private community so that you never feel ‘ lonely ‘ during the process’ are around a group of like minded women

Sign up today and you will also receive…


Immediate access

You get access to the pre course work so you can get a head start before the others join.


Exclusive progress tracker

My exclusive Take Back Control Success Habit and progress tracker - so you never feel overwhelmed as you tick off your daily success habits.


Private community

Highly motivational and inspiration private community.


Take a look at what’s possible inside the programme…

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This programme is for

  • Ladies who have yoyo-d  and struggled with their weight for years and just aren't getting anywhere… they feel like nothing works for them
  • LADIES who want to regain Control Of their lifestyle and stop allowing life to get in their way  
  • Ladies who let their emotions and mood to  control how they feel and this ends up in poor choices and to many fuck it days
  • Ladies who are always putting work and family first before their health but are now ready to put their wellbeing first now without feeling guilty
  • Ladies who can't get a work life balance right
  • Ladies who are desperate to get back to where they used to be... and want to keep their results FOREVER without EVER feeling like they're on a strict diet ever again.

This programme is not for

  • Women who aren't willing to put a little bit of effort in each day in exchange for incredible results
  • Women who blame everyone and everything  for their situation but aren't willing to take any action.
  • Women who want a quick fix and aren't open to changing their mindset


Will this work for me? I've already tried loads of different things before!
Am I going to be following a strict meal plan?
Do I need to go to the gym?
Do I need to cook lots of different meals every day?
How much contact do I get with you?
I struggle for time. I'm so busy! Can the programme be done even though I'm busy?
Secure your space now