
What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Unlock the secret to consistent weight loss while feeling healthier, happier, and improving your self-confidence without giving up the food and lifestyle you love.

Coupling the perfect programme for you with constant support to help you achieve and get the results you have always wanted.

I get it

You've been going round and round in circles with your weight for as long as you can remember and feel totally lost, disheartened and ready to give up

It doesn’t need to be like this.

What if you could…

Reclaim your self-confidence and live a life you truly want?
Stop worrying about how you feel or look at social events?
Feel fitter and healthier than you have in years?

Optimising your schedule to help you prioritise your health and fitness and get you losing weight consistently and successfully.

Introducing my famous REVIVE programme

Join REVIVE Today and You’ll Get:

Direct 1-2-1 Contact with Your Coach - Getting all your questions and queries quickly, efficiently and personally to make sure you always feel in control and supported on your journey is one of the best features of the programme, I pride myself on being an extremely responsive coach and the more questions you ask the better in my opinion.

Tailor Made Diet Plans - No cookie cutter plans here; your diet plan is set up specifically for you to make sure that it gets you the best results possible whilst fitting in perfectly with your lifestyle and preferences.  I never want you to feel restricted when it comes to food, so keeping the foods you love in the programme (in moderation) is always the best way to ensure you enjoy the process and don't fall off track

Individually Designed Training Programmes - A training programme that is designed specifically for you, your goals and your current capabilities, with adaptations every step of the way to ensure that it's enjoyable and effective for you.  The more you enjoy the process the better and no option is off the table when it comes to exercise.  Just tell me what it is you love doing and we can incorporate that into your programme.

Video Demonstrations and Constant Feedback - I’m sure you have been there before, walking into the gym not having a clue what to do or just not knowing what exercises go well together…. Well to put your mind at ease, every single exercise on your programme will have video demonstrations along with written instructions and feedback from myself, so you never feel that way.

Weekly Check-Ins with In-Depth Analysis - One of the most important parts of having a good programme to follow is always knowing what the next steps are so you can remain focused and motivated.  Which is why every week we do a check in where you answer a range of questions and input your weekly stats and measurements.  Once I have all this information, I analyse everything in detail, look at the areas that you are doing well and we double down on those, then we look at the areas that you struggle with and we set you up with an action plan to help you improve, meaning every single we are making really positive steps forward which leads to even better results.

Client Only Facebook Group – A great community of clients who are all working towards a very similar goal to yours, which means it’s the perfect place to chat to people, get your questions answered quickly and download those all-important resources that you’re going to get as an additional bonus

Sign up today and you will also receive…


Lifetime Access to The Next Level Education Hub


Fully Downloadable Resources to Keep Forever (Worth over £500)


Additional Monthly 1-2-1 Strategy Calls


Take a look at what’s possible inside the programme…

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This programme is for

  • People who want to lose weight, feel confident and feel fitter than they have in years.
  • People who want to finally take back control of their life and are willing to work hard to ensure that they fulfil their potential.
  • People who have been stuck in the same place for as long as they can remember and want to start moving in the right direction.
  • People who have been going round in circles with their weight and want to try a programme that guarantees to help them get the results they have been chasing.

This programme is not for

  • People who want a quick fix that they have no chance of maintaining
  • People who aren’t prepared to spend some quality time on self improvement and seeing long term results.
  • People who aren’t willing to be honest with themselves and constantly try to do things their own way.
  • People who don’t see the value of investing in themselves or their health.


How is Online Coaching Effective?
How soon can I expect results?
What is the level of commitment required?
Who is this for and who are your typical clients?
How can I contact you if I need support?
Do I have to follow a really strict diet?
Discover today