
What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Drop 10-20 lbs of body fat in the next 90 days without feeling lost, confused or restricted

Unlock the secret to successful weight loss as a busy female whilst managing your habits, and social life without giving up all the food you love

“Why is this so difficult, no matter how hard I try, I can’t lose any weight, yet everyone else can”

“Why can’t I just shift a few more pounds”

“No matter how much effort I make, nothing changes”

“I daren’t wear that, my arms look ridiculous, it’s hugging my tummy”


You put the effort in yet nothing ever changes,

You’ve been trying for years, doing loads of different diets/ training plans yet nothing ever works

You just become more annoyed/ frustrated/ disheartened


No matter what you’ve tried in the past something will work for you


Get ready for a night out, wear your favourite dress and feel incredible in it?

Never have to hide from your bedroom mirror in fear of how you look?

Reclaim your self confidence and live a life you love without crazy food restrictions?

Stop spending, and wasting, a stupid amount of £££ on fad diets?

Have a lifestyle that you love and works for you?

Build your dream physique whilst living the lifestyle that works for you

Evolve90 Hybrid Training

Join Evolve90 today and you’ll get;

- Personalised training programme so that you know you’re not wasting their time in the gym and can get results, fast!

- Nutritional coaching and support, weekly and monthly targets so that you’re never confused over what to eat again to achieve your results… PLUS you’ll be eating way more and tastier foods than previous weight loss attempts.

- Daily accountability to keep on top of everything so you never full stuck, and are always moving in the right direction and cut out any overwhelm

- Quick easy recipe books, and tasty delicious meals so that you don’t spend hours per week searching for ‘healthy meals’ online.

- Access to your own private app where all the incredible resources are held, such as exercise demos, your exercise and nutrition plans, food guides and more! I’m practically in your pocket 24/7!

- Community group to support you and your goals each step of the way whilst being a part of a group of like-minded people who are equally on their own journey. You’ll become each others’ biggest supporters.

Hello, My name is Dan. I have been a coach now for 7 years & I work with women to help them ditch the fad diets and build their dream physique around the lifestyle they love.

See in my experience, it’s not about turning your life upside down because you want to feel better about yourself… quite the opposite

It’s about making small manageable changes to the life you already live, to make it work for you

& that’s exactly what I do

I have helped 100’s of women change their lives in the last 7 years, I have loved everything single step of the way

Inside Evolve90, we focus on 3 phases

Phase 1:

Quick wins- inside the first 30 days it’s about you feeling better and getting some quick wins under your belt.

So you feel less bloated, you have more energy, you start to feel fitter, inches are being lost

Phase 2:

Now it’s starting to become a habit we start to notice some amazing wins… your clothes are starting to fit better, even maybe having to go shopping for new ones, in the gym you’re doing things you never thought you would be capable off and you’re really starting to feel the buzz and notice the change in your life

Phase 3:

The real wins are starting to show, you’ve dropped weight you never thought you could, you start to feel more toned and much more confident in yourself.

The spring in your step is back and now it’s here to stay!

My job is to make your fat loss journey as easy as possible. I am there to support you every single step of the way to make sure you’re on the right track and everythings moving the way you would like it too

You will never feel lost, confused, or left to your own devices.

That’s how WE WIN

Simply put…

I need you to dedicate 2-3 hours max a week to changing your life

If you’re committed, ready to make a change, willing to work hard- I can take you to where you want to be

By the end of our first 90 days working together, your life will be completely different

Sign up today and you will also receive…


Access to my catalogue of 100+ high protein, low calorie, easy to make and delicious meals


Exclusive invites to in-person training sessions


Instant access to my mindset training that’s impacting and helping 100’s of women as we speak


Take a look at what’s possible inside the programme…

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This programme is for

  • Women who are ready to drop 10-20 lb's in the next 90 days
  • Women who are ready to be forced into buying a new wardrobe because their clothes are too big
  • Women who strive to be at the top of their game all year round for themselves, their friends and their family

This programme is not for

  • Women who want to stay stuck
  • Women who are happy to continue struggling to achieve their goals
  • Women who don’t want to change


What is the Evolve90 hybrid training?
What happens if I can’t do 1-1 sessions?
Will I achieve my goals?
Do I get 1-1 contact?
What do I need?
How much time do I need to commit?
Will I get the support I need?
Discover More